BOOKS HEAL Inc. Presents
(PETSD) Coming Soon!

PeTSD: Persistent Traumatic Slave Disorder Countering the Destruction, Division, Dehumanization, and Destabilization of Black children & Families since 1960’s and our Integration into the Black Holocaust Slave Trauma Matrix. Click Here 

Featured Books

1. [ BEAT- Turning Pain Into Power ] BY Holland
, Aleah ( Author ) Nov - 2007

A touching and needed source of comfort for children who are missing their "Mommy" due to distance, divorce, detention, or even death. This book brings comfort especially on holidays and Mother’s Day when children and mom are separated. This sweet book, with powerful words and charming illustrations, can help kids who miss mommy, for whatever reasons to feel less alone, and a covering with God. 

A Little Lynched: Amber Alert- A Judge Ordered Kidnapping (Volume 1)

When a demonic DeepState, kidnapping child sex trafficking, lawless lunatic and quack named, judge Esther Morgenstern, Judicially-lynched one of Aleah’s son’s beginning in 2011 when he was a toddler.

"Justifiable Mommicide: White Slavery U.S. War on Millions of White Children"

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Amber Alert II

The Secret War on White Children and Mothers

Persistent Traumatic
Slave Disorder

Countering The Destruction, Division, Dehumanization & Destabilization of Black
Children & the Black Family After 1960's Intergration

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